Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: September 2011

Thursday, September 08, 2011

It's All About The FAITH FISH!

I didn't realize it had been such a long time since I'd blogged until this morning when I read one of my sisters posts and thought to myself....can you even get back into your own blog?

Some days I have so much to say and it seems that there is no one there to hear me except my Saviour, and sometimes I am sure He's tired of hearing from me. I know better but it sure feels that way on some occassions.

My head is swimming with all the current "fish" swimming through it's murky waters.

I have a "staph fish" - bothering me about taking my antibiotics...(that I haven't picked up yet)

I have a "surgery fish" - that is a constant bother, because, unlike my 3 sisters, I struggle to put together schedules and lists and pre-plan for things...I just do them as I need to

I have a "child fish" - Well, truthfully, I have 4 of them, from guppies to full grown swimmers

I have a "fear fish" - I'm honestly afraid of many things but that is where another couple of fish come in handy

I have a "relationship fish" - This one is my biggest concern lately

I have a "butterfly fish" - With my recent injury to myself, I have missed time at my shop (which I love more than most will ever love their job), I have been unable to work

I have a "home fish" - I am TOTALLY loving making my house back into our home (a long story in and of itself)

I have a "fair fish" - I won't be able to set up at the fair due to my up coming surgery, so I'm entering as much as I can without freaking out the new shop coordinator

and next to...last but not least,
I have a "satan fish" - that tries to tell me what to do in most all situations (and I ignore him about as much as I ignore myself)...

and then...last but definitely not least,
I have a "faith fish" - this is the most important fish that I have because it is what gets me through all of the others. It feeds the ones that are hungry and settles the ones that are getting crazy or stirred up. It calms some of them and it holds some of them in it's tender and gentle arms. It lifts of and holds some of them high above the "low spots", and it reminds me constantly that all my battles have already been WON, I'm just watching the battles play out.

There are a couple of fish that no one will ever see, like the "depressed fish" - which will stay hidden even when I'm not safely hidden with invisibility. This particular fish is one that I share only during my daily talks with Jesus. (He is a very patient listener...believe me)!

9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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