Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: MY VERSE FOR TODAY

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Today I am stressing because Kaylee is still running a temp, I am still unable to care for her by myself and Kendra and I both are suffering from sleep deprivation. I need some help but don't know who to ask. I am tired of imposing on my family and my friends seem to have forgotten me here so who do you turn to?


Oh, we don't have one of those, I forgot.

My prayer:
God give me strength to perservere and continue the struggle knowing that it is all for Your glory. I will do my best to always show Your love, even when I'm grumbling.

Revelations 21:4
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Now, to some this may look like a verse that supports suicide, and although some get to the point where that becomes an option, it is definitely not a verse condoning suicide. It is a verse of hope, love and faith. God is telling us that the rewards in heaven will be great when we get there because we are His children and we have believed that His son died on a cross on a hill to save us from our sin. He is telling us to hang in there. It will get better. Even though I am ready to be there, that does not mean that I'm ready to go there. I have things left here our father wants me to accomplish. I know this.
If he could just slap me over the head and tell me WHAT that would be it would help.
I am prepared. I am not overly anxious to depart this world, but, I do, under the circumstances, see how some people would begin to lose hope and be filled with despair, and contemplate suicide. DONT EVEN GO THERE!
God does not want us making the decision to terminate our own lives. He created us and loves us each individually. He is heartbroken when we are, He crys when we cry, and He hurts when we hurt. Keep the faith, the hope and the love in your hearts and in your lives for others to see and God will bless you abundantly.

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