Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: LIFE IS LIKE A BREAKFAST BURRITO

Thursday, July 07, 2005


Good morning. This morning, I woke up earlier than usual and decided to cook a little different breakfast for the family. I decided to make breakfast burritos. Now, as far as I know, you only need a few things, eggs, of course, flour tortillas, of course, and some throw ins like cheese, onion and salsa. Well, I have the eggs, the tortillas and cheese but that was it. So, I dug in the pantry for a while, finally found some picante sauce and made it back up off the floor and by the time I had everything together, I was exhausted. I left it all on the cabinet and came in here to sit for a while! haha Sad but true. I'll have to fix them in a bit but I also realized one very important thing..........
My husband and daughter are both still asleep and it's after 8:30! Wish it were me! haha

Moral of this story: Life is like a breakfast have to have all the ingredients together at the same time to be perfect. God didn't intend for us to be perfect so He's just hidden a few of the ingredients for awhile.

hey check out ebay! haha How'd it go with your mom?! didya have a good time?! HOpe so.
cool, hope you figure it out. I am having a blast with it. Probably too much fun, I also found out how to code for the flylady club, attach the calendar, and the guest book. Those you can click on the button on my site and it will walk you through adding them to your site. Be careful which ones you add though cuz some of them make pop ups. I deleted one that was doing it. Ticked me off. Tell your mom she can come down here. haha I really need some cleaning!

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