Friday, August 05, 2005
I would like to say hello. In every language I can get. Please send a link to this post to all your friends that speak different languages and let's see just how many ways we can come up with to say ....
Hello, good day!
Write it down properly and then in parenthesis, write the pronunciation so that we can figure out how to say it! also be sure to include the language itself so we will know what you are speaking.
Alo, bom dia (a-low bon gia) Portuguese
Ola, buenos dias ( o-la bwenos deeas) Spanish
Hallo, guten tag ( ha-low, gooten tac) German?
Hei, god dag Norwegian
Halo, selamat siang (ha-low, se-la-mutt see-young)--> Bahasa (Indonesian)
Bonjour, ? French?
Ciao, il giorno buono! (chee-ow, ill ge-or-no boo-o-no) (italian)
Czesc (chesht) is hello in Polish
Hello, good day!
Write it down properly and then in parenthesis, write the pronunciation so that we can figure out how to say it! also be sure to include the language itself so we will know what you are speaking.
Alo, bom dia (a-low bon gia) Portuguese
Ola, buenos dias ( o-la bwenos deeas) Spanish
Hallo, guten tag ( ha-low, gooten tac) German?
Hei, god dag Norwegian
Halo, selamat siang (ha-low, se-la-mutt see-young)--> Bahasa (Indonesian)
Bonjour, ? French?
Ciao, il giorno buono! (chee-ow, ill ge-or-no boo-o-no) (italian)
Czesc (chesht) is hello in Polish
Thank you Andhyka, I'll add that one now. It sounds nice. I may have to learn Bahasa. Good to see you again.
Iranai, are you cheating again? haha My sister lived in Italy for 6 years and I couldnt get in touch with her for the italian version. Thanks. The norweigian one is really quite funny!
yes i had to cheat....and i forgot to answer u the other day........I am a 27 yr old single female. I live w/ my parents, my 21 yr old brother, our Rotweiler Zulu, our quaker "pollito" -we still dont have a name so thats what we call him, and our 2 cats Furby(male) and Juancha(female). I trust God that he has a single christina male somewhere growing in him, and i cant wait to meet him mayor and have kids-which is one of my greatest passions.......i made a pact w/ God in april and i pray for him sometimes even thoug i havent met him (faith is wonderful and powerful) - so if u wanna add that 2 ure prayerlist sometimes ure more than welcomed.......and about ure question Puerto Rico time is eastern time so right now were i hour behind its 5:20 in Houston and 6:20 in Puerto Rico...and about Puerto Rico I made a blog just for u, come visit!!!!
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- Name: praynlady
- Location: West Columbia, TEXAS, United States
I am a prayer warrior. I am the wife of ONE TERRIFIC MAN, the mother of 3 beautiful children, 2 daughters here on earth and one son who lives with Jesus. I am here to help and to serve any way I can. I WANT TO LIVE, LAUGH AND LOVE LIKE I WAS DYING!!
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