Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: Today.....Friday.....

Friday, August 26, 2005


Today has been a rather hectic day. Many things are going on, and as I am just now really beginning to get back into the swing of things, it is not as easy as I would have hoped. I am slower, it is hard still to do some things that I'd like to do, and I still have trouble doing some of the things that I need to do. I will make it though, I have hope, faith and a wonderful husband.

We will be going to Pauls football game tomorrow (GO COUGARS!!) and are really excited to see how the boys do in their first game. Kaylee is not really sure what is going on, but mom (me) has already make a hair pom pom, pom poms for her shoes and bought a pattern and fabric to make a cheerleading costume. (well, my neighbor will be making it, I am just the person with the scizzors! haha)
I am trying hard to get back into the swing of running the house, paying the bills and just managing the laundry and dishes as well as dinner, so trying to figure out how to do all of them and think far enough ahead to plan for what I will need for Kaylee and Paul and I tomorrow, may just be a bit too much! haha
I have been reading other blogs and I came to the realization that I had sorta lost my way for my original intent for my blog. I want it to be a fun place to visit but I don't want to let it become a place for me to just vent all the time. I will be doing alot of that but, hopefully not as often! lol
I made this blog to be a prayer warrior and to try to keep my quiet time with God very eye opening. I had originally intended for this to be my journey along the path with Him. I plan on getting back on schedule but I want to keep some of my current things like jokes, emails, and Something to think about! I hope to publish a pray a day to learn how to openly express myself through prayer so that others, who might drop in?!, would see that prayer is not necessarily something to do when alone, or in order. To me, prayer is the time I spend talking with God each day. We have conversations. The problem is that I have not learned to HEAR Him. I talk and I know He listens. I don't wait for replies though, I keep on going, praying and waiting for Him to show me what it is He wants me to do, to be, or to say.

Although I may not show it 100% of the time, I try to walk the path with sincerety, hoping that others will see Christ in me, that they will recognise that I am a child of God and that when I get to heaven, God will hold me tight and say, "Matthew 25:21
'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
Matthew 25:20-22

My prayer for today will follow this post. Please scroll down a bit and pray with me and for me.
God bless.

Usted tiene mucho para decir
in other words, " you have alot to say" luv ya mom!!!
I like your idea of prayer as some of the bloga, think im going to have to copy that one.......

And I feel just like you do, I pray, i talk to Him, I pray for others but I find it hard to just sit there patienly and listen to what HE has to say. BUT patiently we have to practice these quiet times so we can learn to listen to HIM, which is sooooooo important.

I read your daughters blog....interesting.....

Hope to talk to ya tomorrow.

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