Saturday, September 03, 2005
I have cried, sobbed and shook with anguish over the total devastation in the states and cities affected by hurricane Katrina. My heart hurts with them and for them. Having lost something so precious as a child, I can understand the feelings of those who have lost children, parents and other family members. I have not lost my home or my belongings though and I cannot even begin to understand how the survivors and victims feel. I recently read a post on my bils blog,, about the movie "Hotel Rawanda". It broke my heart just reading what he had written. I was not able to watch the movie because I get so emotional that I carry the weight of the devastating stories in my heart. It is the same with the current situation. However, I cannot get away from the news of this tragedy. It is everywhere. Radio. Television. Newspapers. It's everywhere. Now it is in my home town. We have close to 200 transplants here in West Columbia. It amazes me that some people have had to travel so far with so little. Our community is jumping at the bit to help them and that blesses my heart, but it does not ease the pain that I feel for them. I am by nature a nurturer. I want to help, I want to comfort, I NEED to comfort. God gave me this GIFT and I absolutely love having it. It carries it's own burdens too though. I feel what others feel. I have the uncanny ability to see and know what the feelings are and what I can or cannot say that will help. My heart is open and raw with the pain I see in the photos in the news. It bleeds pure love for those who are still trying to find their loved ones, parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandchildren. The impact of the devastation from the floods that irradicated parts of New Orleans, Sliddell and other cities will not truly be seen for weeks. The news keeps giving us updates on the monetary value of the devastation but even at $90,000,000,000.00 (If I did that right it should say 90 BILLION $). That has nothing to do with the lives lost. There is no $ amount that can bring them back, or equal their worth to the ones that have lost them. Please be in prayer for the families, not only for their treasured loses but the loses of loved ones. Please do not forget that the value of a human life is worth far more than a home or a car, or a business..... My heart hurts for those who left, did not leave, and the ones who could not leave. Either way, the sorrow and pain will grow stronger for many days to come.
America! Fall to your faces, fall to your knees and pray! God WILL hear your cries and He will answer!
America! Fall to your faces, fall to your knees and pray! God WILL hear your cries and He will answer!