Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: GIFTS FROM GOD......THINK ABOUT THIS...

Monday, October 03, 2005


Have you ever taken the time to just sit back and think of all that God has given you? The things that we take for granted, like breath, sight, taste, and even our children. I, for one, never really thought to seriously about time until Ian's death straightened out my priorities.
TIME, is the one thing we probably take the most for granted and do not even realize it. Do you think at the beginning of each day that you will use all the seconds wisely, with God's plan for you at the front of your mind? Do you know that you have 86,400 seconds to use each and every day? I did not! I never thought about it. I recieved this email and really began to seriously consider how I spend my days. I waste over half of each day, sitting, wondering what to do and waiting for the right time to do it! What a waste! If I am to change my habits, I am going to have to start with considering how to most wisely, and with God as my guide, spend each and every waking second being what God wants me to be, doing what God wants me to do. I do realize that this will not always be the case. I am human, I will sin, I will fall short of His plans for me many times. I will disappoint Him and myself but that is what I know. I am not, nor will I ever, in this earthly body, be perfect. I want to please God, but I also am not an organizer so doing things in an orderly fashion will take alot of patience on His part to see me through this change. I am still struggling with pain, but I will strive to continue making the most of each second of each day that He blesses me with on earth. I want to be there for my husband, my daughters, my family, my friends and my home. I want to learn how to schedule my outings, my grocery lists, my meals, my time online, and my cleaning (of course, my least favorite). I want to wake up, say a prayer for doing so, and then begin my days with praise and gratitude for being allowed one more day to try to be pleasing to Him.
When you read this, take time to think about what you take for granted. Do you thank God for the little things, for the time you sat still in the traffic, for the long line at McDonalds, and so on? These are times that you can spend in a conversation with Him and/or, using a notepad, plan the rest of your day so that your time is put to better use than sitting around doing nothing.

I pray that God will keep and protect you, that He will grant all of us a measure of mercy for not seeing our lives as they truly are; a blessing! I pray that we, all of us, will learn to see our children with the same love that He sees us! I pray that we all realize how much He loves us and wants the best and wants us to have the best because we are His children. Yet He can only sit back and watch as we waste time. I pray that we can learn to adjust our thought processes to see that we can make much better use of our time. We need to be examples of His love, spreading "The Word" and bringing more of His children to Him.
Father God, thank you for each day that I awake. Father, thank you for my family and my friends, Father, thank you for the time we have had to think about what is important to us. Lord, I pray that you will continue to bless us with each new day and that we can see the beauty in our life through the sunrise, the sunset and the beautiful colors of the sky each and every day. Father, comfort those who are hurting, lost and lonely, be merciful to those of us who never seem to learn from our mistakes, be gracious to us when we do and continue to love us even as we sin and are guilty of neglecting You. Father, thank you for the liberties we have in America and I pray that you will place a ring of protection around each and every soldier that is in another place fighting for us to have these liberties. Father, thank you for being so forgiving. Thank you for sending your son to die on the cross for my sins. Thank you for living in me and thank you for loving me unconditionally.
In Jesus name I pray these things, AMEN.

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