Sunday, January 08, 2006
Ok, it has been a few weeks since I've been able to sit and write! I should not be doing it now either but had to keep up appearances! haha We are now into the hardest part of our moving experience! My inlaws have not finished moving out and we can't finish moving in until they are gone! Well at least the garage and yard parts. We are doing well but it is a tiresome job when done alone (the two of us) and Paul is moving them out as well. He is exhausted! I am sitting here on my exhausted rump and I am supposed to be paying bills. I just wanted you let you know I was still alive (albeit pooped) and kicking. Hope all of your holidays were wonderful and the new year is already bringing you many blessings to count!
Blessings and Hugs,
Blessings and Hugs,