Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: LATELY.......

Saturday, April 29, 2006


It seems that of late, I have strayed from the original reason I began this blog. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the fun, the funny, and the outragious, but I have gotten away from the prayer time I spent with Christ and the quiet time I shared while I was so busy having a pity party for myself. Hopefully things will get back to normal! Yeah right! Anyway, I am going to try to be more careful in my blogging process before I stumble too far away from the light!

Lately I have.......
1. Fallen short of the Glory of God!
2. Lost alot of my quiet time with Him.
3. Not been as diligent in my prayer time.
4. Been trying to hard to please myself and not others!
5. Realized how much I have neglected my friends and not the other way around.
6. Spent too much money!
7. Skipped confession! (just kidding, I am not Catholic).
8. Lost 10 pounds! Hurray!
9. Spent more time playing Mahjong Rivers than I should have!
10. Done much better at keeping my house picked up and my sink shiny!!!!!
11. Unpacked more boxes, and put the stuff away! Can you believe that?!?!
12. Gone past my physical limitations and enjoyed the pain from being productive.
13. Remebered to actually send out thank you and birthday cards!
14. Decided to finish the 9 afghans I have started, that are all laying around the house!
15. I have decided to obey Gods calling to finish the art work and publish the book I have had finished for almost 4 years, just sitting in my computer.


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! On all the good things that you have done and all that you have changed for the better or even overcome. I am soooooo PROUD of you, youve lost 10 pounds, house picked up, sink more shiny, birthday and thank you cards...... BOOK - please be obedient and finish one so I can buy a copy and have tyou autograph it for me. Its funny you mention that and I have been thinking about starting MINE, thanks for motivating me with what you thought was a single blog :)

On the other hand we both have to watch out and start spendidng more quiet and prayer time with our LORD and Savior JesusChrist, I have NO been spending 1/2 as much alone time with HIM as I used to and we MUST do something about it soon, HE should always be our #1 priority...

I LOVE reading your blog and I thank got that He gave me the priveledge to meet you.

PD - Deuteronomy 7:9 (Amplified Bible)Know, recognize, and understand therefore that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, Who keeps covenant and steadfast love and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations, GOD is FAITHFUL with YOU and your GENERATIONS (KENDRA, Kaylee...)

Am praying for KENDRA... remember faith is beleiving in what we DONT see as if it already was.


You are an incredible young woman! Thanks for lifting me up and lifting my spirits as well!
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