Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: CELLULAR PHONES AND CHILDREN....

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


So, here's the deal. Do you cut them off and pay the $350.00 cancellation fee or do you continue to pay the $100.00 + monthly bill that they are supposed to be paying but are not?

My daughter is 22 years old. In order to help them out financially, one of the things we did was add her to our wireless bill. (She does, after all, have my only grandson)! She uses more than the minutes she is allowed, causing our rollover minutes to be greatly reduced each month, she uses the text messaging, way more than the 1000 per month that she chose, (1900+ each month), which costs .05 cents after the 1000, and she subscribed to a ringtone service that charges her $10.81 cents per month even if she doesn't use it. Her bill alone is averaging $98.00+ each month instead of the $28.00 it should be. Do I cut it off and pay out the $350.00 and let her work it out on her own, or do I continue to pay the bill that she is so behind on and at the rate she is using the phone, will never catch up? I made some changes to it today but I am not sure that even that will work. I up'd her text messages to 2500 per month for another 10.00 so now her bill should be $38.00 a month instead of $100. I also make her pay $15.00 each month for part of the service plan we had to get to include her on our bill and up the number of minutes we share so I guess her bill should really be $53.00 and it is running $115.00. Any suggestions? Any thoughts? Someone please help me figure out what to do!!!

Let me apologize if I am too harsh here, but as the sister of a grown woman who is 32 and is STILL getting bailed out by her parents, please either cut her off or get her one of those pre-paid cell that just shuts off when the min are gone. My sis, who I love very much, still relies on mom and dad even though she makes a very good salary b/c she doesn't know how to manage her assets.

Another thought, if you live long distance from her, have her get vonage and then all of her long distance calls are free. We have it and LOVE it.
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