Saturday, May 06, 2006
This past week, Paul and I had the pleasure and privelidge of keeping Kordell for 3 days and nights. He is such an incredible baby and he has the best attitude. He loves the outdoors, but not the water. YET! He eats regularly, he sleeps regularly and he was content to play in the playpen while I was cleaning. He got to take a couple of baths in my kitchen sink, though, he was not to sure about that! He knows every corner of my house and just where to go to get something he shouldn't have! haha We had such a great time and can't wait to do it again. I still have to have help, as I cannot pick him up most of the time, or carry him around for very long, but Paul was on his long weekend and that made it possible to really enjoy his visit! Paul loved it too and Kaylee now tells everyone, "Kordell is my ONLY nephew"! How cute is that and where does a just 3 year old get this kind of stuff? Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures and please continue to pray for Kordell, his mommy and his daddy!
Blessings and hugs,
Colleen aka Gollie
Blessings and hugs,
Colleen aka Gollie