Praynlady's Blessings & Other Fun Stuff: Where does the time go?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where does the time go?

I have been so busy, (surprisingly), working on my new "adventure", that I have been slacking on my regular ole blog! I know that there are not that many "daily" readers of my site but I do like to at least attempt to keep it current.

I have missed seeing all the familiar names on my posts! Hey Gals, where are you?

I have a prayer request and a praise.

Prayer request

Please, Please, Please, pray for my sister's sister in law! She was supposed to have the same back surgery that I had and she is a little older, a little different in circumstance and she has had to have her surgery for tomorrow cancelled. While running pre-surgical tests, she was found to have a mass (lump) in one of her lungs. We are not sure yet what it is, but she was sent to take another scan and they referred her to a pulmonologist. The quickest they could get her in was this coming Friday. She is a professor at Purdue and is struggling to figure out what to do, how to go back to work in the current pain situation as well as what to do about the tests. Please keep her, her parents and my sister and her family (where she is staying at the moment) as they continue to support, and encourage her until all is figured out and she is blessed with a miracle that I know God can perform. I know that he can irradicate this lump and allow her to get on with her plans.

I have recently started a new "adventure" and it has taken off like a hot cake! I have been blessed with orders from friends, family as well as people I have never even met! I want to thank God for allowing me to find something that I can do with my time besides sit here and write blog posts all day! (Not that I don't truly enjoy it, cuz I really do.....)
I want to thank God for my friends and family members that have supported yet another one of my "goober" ideas and to my daughter and 2 of my neices for helping me keep up with the "demands" for our creations!

Kendra, Shannon, & Tori,
You gals have been wonderful help and I will be grateful to you for all you have done to help me so far and look forward to having you here to help out again. (Am I gonna have to start paying you guys?) lol

I thank God for new friends (carol), those that are near and dear to me and those that are not close by that I have met through the blogs. (Patricia)

I thank God for my husband who is allowing me to try my best to get this new "adventure" up and running!
(Paul, I love you very much and you are a blessing to me)

Ok, enough for now, I will try to catch things up better tomorrow!

Hugs and Blessings,

Lord, I pray for Coleen's sisters, Sister in Law. Lord you know her situation and I pray that you will work in it. May she feel the prayers of her friends and family and may you comfort her. Amen

I like to Pray right away or I forget sometimes - when I've promised to. Hope thats ok with you! Thanks for sharing!

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